Cities, Pyramids and Ziggurats

Series 2 Post 4

Egyptian beating Hebrew slave. Providence Lithograph from Egermeierer’s Bible Story Book (published 1947 page 94) with many thanks.

The many errors of codifying Biblical chronology in an era of limited knowledge, based only upon reason and the Bible shows that knowledge has grown in depth and expanse since then.  In the knowledge of the 17th century Europe, Pi-Rameses and Pithom (Exodus 1: 11) were the cities built by the Hebrews to store Pharaohs wealth.  Today, scholars spend their time debating exactly where these cities were and readership simply takes the choice of any number of possible locations.  There are still supporters believing that the Hebrews were forced to build the pyramids.

The 3rd millennium Egyptian pyramids of Giza.

Pyramids have their origins in the 3rd millennium, with the Step Pyramid and the Pyramids of Giza as examples.  In the case of Mesopotamia, they are commonly referred to as Ziggurats with their building beginning during the earlier Uruk Period 4th millennium two of the earliest ones are the White Temple (Warke/Uruk) and the Painted Temple (Tell Uqair) (Postgate, 2002: 110).  These buildings date after the 5th and 4th millenniums harnessing of large animal power.  (See Animal Power post for more and documentation.)

Zigguart model reconstruction of Uruk period Temple 4000-3100BCE. (Lloyd and Safar 1943, Plate XIV with very many thanks.)

While the Mesopotamian method of raising these monumental buildings isn’t well understood today.  The Egyptian method is; its citizens discharged part of their tax obligations by assisting in building the pyramids. With newer understanding then how can we front a scientific quest for Pi-Rameses and Pithom?  I don’t believe using traditional chronology that it is possible.  It is too late, and tied into what is really mythology.  After all, science has already discredited the validity of those ancient men’s chronology.  Just too many people from theology, to secular academia want to hold on to it, for many various reasons.In future posts I will offer my alternative for at least one of the traditional storage cities with supporting documentation.  Perhaps providing a solid clue as to where the other is.Works cited

Postagate, J.N.  Early Mesopotamia; Society and economy at the dawn of history.  London: Routledge— Taylor, 2002. 110 Print.

Redford, Donald B.  Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times.  1st Pb. ed. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 1993.  59—62 Print.

©Abram Back in Time 2000-2107.  All Rights Reserved.

Ur of Chaldea

There is a New Post over at Shaking the Ground of Biblical Chronology, all about ancient Ur of Chaldea!

No wait, ancient Ur goes much farther back than ancient Chaldea, as does Abraham.  It could have been made here, but it does fit the overall topic of shaking the ground of Biblical Chronology.  The Chaldean Ur isn’t as old as so many think it is.  Thinking that it is , is just more evidence of the poor knowledge available to those 17th Western scholars that defined our knowledge of Bible Chronology today.

With a Dose of Realism Even Myths Can Come Alive!

I am serious about Noah’s Ark, I hope you are too enough to visit my page on it (above).  What I do not discuss there is the total lack of Egyptian support for a worldwide event.  When I consider this fact, I do have to consider it.  What I come up with is pretty neat, if I say so myself.

Horseback round up of a pair of goats. Gobustan, Azerbaijan Caferzade 1973.

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